It might be time you give those corduroy pants you saw, and skipped over, last time at the store a second look. You are probably thinking what, corduroy? Seriously? Yes, I am indeed being serious.
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A thrifted vintage corduroy vest can be a part of the new trend in your wardrobe.
The often-ignored fabric, due to its rather unappealing nature, is gradually becoming more accepted into the world of fashion and trends. This retro style fabric, that is sometimes associated with outdoor work and other things, might just be your new switch mate for your denim basics.
Corduroy, in a way, comes and goes in and out of the fashion scene, and, no doubt, it is usually challenging to actually spot some decent pieces out in the market.
Like velvet, corduroy’s pile structure is known for its excellent durability, versatility and warmth. It comes in cotton, wool or synthetic blends.
If denim were to ever come to fail us, corduroy would be the new denim. It is surely slowly rising its way into being part of the everyday wardrobe.
The fabric has returned in many shapes and forms. It has been completely reinvented to look, feel and fit right for the modern consumer.
Now, it is available in a range of different washes, cuts, weights and new unexpected colors. No longer is it just used to make pants, coats and hats, but now one can find over shirts, hoodies, dresses, skirts, overalls, accessories and a whole lot more.
Styling corduroy is a challenge for sure and mostly because we are used to jeans matching with almost anything. Here are some ways you can coordinate clothing made of corduroy in a fashionable way.
For pants or skirts, consider pairing them with a graphic T-shirt. As for shoes, pair the outfit with some classic sneakers or Converse.
For cold days, add a cardigan, casual blazer, light jacket or coat.
For corduroy overalls, consider wearing a turtleneck and booties for shoes to keep you warm.
If the corduroy is an over shirt or coat, pair it with any style of top and add in a high-waisted skirt or some jeans.
The weather won’t be warming up anytime soon, and this fabric’s durability and warmth can keep you warm along with your other winter pieces.
And no, you won’t be weirdly observed for wearing corduroy clothes because it’s trending now and, as long as the coordination looks good, the outfit is now in style.
Now, if you are convinced that there are not any places that actually have modern clothes in corduroy, that is not true.
If you would like to find the trendy or reinvented corduroy fashion goods, places like Forever 21, Asos and Free People would be great places to start.
Also, vintage stores and thrift stores are usually bound to have a selection.
You can then give those found vintage or thrift store finds a makeover and make them more for you, or give them a trendy fix, like giving a pair of pants a raw hem.
Even more, check out Cords & Co a brand that is determined to give corduroy a new light and become a part of your everyday wardrobe.
They have a wide selection of basic clothing goods all made with corduroys of all kinds of colors, structures and more in modern styles.
The post Fargo Fashion | Corduroy Reinvented and Back in Style appeared first on The Spectrum.